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feat(remix): support version 2.8.0

Coly010 avatarColy010

CI pipeline execution analysis

CI pipeline execution

2/5 runs distributed across 8 agents

Agent utilization

Agent 6 / 37 tasks completed / 46m 44s active83%
Agent 9 / 15 tasks completed / 40m 35s active72%
Agent 3 / 27 tasks completed / 39m 31s active70%
Agent 10 / 54 tasks completed / 39m 02s active69%
Agent 8 / 38 tasks completed / 37m 31s active67%
Agent 4 / 32 tasks completed / 37m 31s active67%
Agent 11 / 41 tasks completed / 37m 18s active66%
Agent 0 / 31 tasks completed / 29m 00s active51%

Improving agent utilization

An ideal agent utilization report will show even, high utilization across all agents. You might not see that for all distributed task executions though. For the most accurate assessment, watch how your agents perform on a CI pipeline execution where your entire project graph is affected (for example, after an NPM dependency is changed).

If you see low or uneven utilization across agents, here's some things you can try:

  • Parallelize wherever you can
  • Break apart projects with long-running targets, so their tasks can be more easily distributed across agents
  • Break apart long-running targets such as e2e tests, so that they can run in parallel
Run durations

Improving run timings

Ideally you'd like to see all the runs in a CI pipeline execution happen in parallel. That may not be possible though, depending on how your tasks depend on one another. If you do see room for improvement, here's some things you can do to improve your run timings: